Seize The Day

Tracking tip of the weekSomeone asked me about dead plants. I mean, come on. How hard is it? Look for a brown patch among green. It’s not like plants move around. This site is “I track dead things”, not “I see dead things.” For that you need a Sixth Sense. Also, it’s easy to find dead plants. Just come to my house. Brownest thumb ever.

Seize The Day

Two reasons for this title. One is to pay homage to the passing of the great Robin Williams. He touched many, many lives and will be sorely missed. I saw Dead Poets Society last night and felt this famous phrase was appropriate in so many ways. Not only to his life but to all those he inspired with his comedy and acting.

And me. I have been trying to Seize the Day for a while now and every time I start, something holds me back. Sometimes the hesitation comes from within me, sometimes an event holds me back.

But I have NOT stopped writing and that means everything to me. I have a plan and am on that track, even if it seems slow. I did submit a short story to a very prestigious magazine. I doubt it will be taken but if you don’t aim high, you will never get there. – Day Seized

About my home life. Daughter and I getting along though I worry about her constantly, Son at college and I worry about him too though I am working at letting go a little. – Day being Grasped at

Hubby. Here is a confusing time. Just one trip to a counselor has opened my eyes and helped me in ways too many to name here. I have decided to focus on my happiness and if he wants to be a part of that, so be it. If not, that will signal to me that it will never work and it will be time to make a change. – Day Seized and holding on

Is this successful so far? It has only been two weeks and things are very strange is all I will say. I am taking steps to insure my happiness, make money and take care of myself. I am much happier for these efforts and have a new sense of purpose. I still spend way too much time in the dark but can not only see the light but get out in it several days a week. Letting go of the Night to free up the hands for seizing

But as I watched the movie last night, every time I heard “Seize the Day” I felt the inner fire flare just a little so here I am today, writing again.

And it feels GREAT! Carpe Diem!